Licensed Psychotherapist | Wellness Champion | Consultant | Public Speaker | Educator



"La Shonda does so many things exceptionally well. Among her most impressive talents are speaking, teaching, and training. She has a commanding presence with an incredibly wide range of audiences and groups, from middle-aged professionals in a variety of fields to college and high school students, and people of all ethnic/racial backgrounds, genders, and sexualities. She is a gifted educator with a unique and winning ability to seamlessly fuse impressive therapeutic skills with outstanding rhetorical and persuasive powers. These and many other qualities make her both a truly formidable communicator and a dynamic leader."

- Jackson Katz, Ph.D., Author, Lecturer, and Co-founder of Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP)



“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”

- Ephesians 4:29

Consulting & Program Development

“So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.”

- Romans 14:19

“I have had the absolute pleasure and incredible honor of working with La Shonda on a number of speaking engagements, conferences, wellness programs, and consultation projects. La Shonda has presented numerous compassion fatigue trainings for trauma agencies and universities, self compassion meditations and racial trauma healing sessions for BIPOC communities, and has been hired as a keynote speaker more times than I can keep track! What is so special about her unique and compassionate presence is the way she makes you feel like the most important and cared for person in the world. Every time I have seen her speak I have left inspired, energized, and truly in awe. Truly there’s no one like her. She has the ability to connect with her audience in profound and important ways. Her expertise in training topics such as: sexual violence, compassion fatigue, self-care, wellness, vicarious trauma, and racial trauma are unparalleled. I look forward to many more collaborations with her as well as seeing the many lives she will continue to touch through her incredible gifts.”

- Zahabiyah Yamasaki, M.Ed, RYT

Author, Founder and Director, Transcending Sexual Trauma through Yoga

Clinical Practice & Psychotherapy

My purpose is compassion. My mission is to facilitate the process of individual and collective healing (mind, body and spirit).